We are Freelancers around the world. Headquartered in the Philippines, we have team members from Barcelona, Dubai, Singapore, and Philippines

Yes, we can explore other services in our discovery call

We shall have an engagement letter stating the scope of services, you can choose to be billed by the product, project, or avail of our packaged services. This is paid in advance. Paylink is provided. Pay via Paypal, Credit/Debit Card or Bank transfer 

You may fill up a form or email us to get us started on a discovery call and understand where and how we can help you. 

  • A Discovery call is concluded and the proposal is agreed
  • Once agreed, an Invoice will be sent and once you have sent your payments
  • The services that you need shall start 

We charge minimally and we cannot afford a client to delay payment or not fulfilling their commitment to pay.  We build our business through hard work and our Freelancers deserve to get paid on time. 

You can pay via USDT or via Bank Transfer